Liu Chang
Swallows Nest was such a blessing to us! When we finally traveled to China to meet Liu Chang for the first time she wasn't afraid of our foreign faces or our foreign language since she had experienced some English and white-faced people while at Swallows Nest. This along with the love she received from the staff at Swallows Nest made her transition into our family much easier for her. When we arrived back home in the states she transitioned much easier than our friends' daughter who wouldn't come out of her room or leave the house for a couple weeks after arriving home. Liu Chang was always happy to go out and meet new people. Thank you, Swallows Nest, for making her transition into our family so much easier for all of us.

Luo Bin Mei
Swallows Nest has meant the world to us. We are so incredibly thankful to the workers that cared for and raised our daughter until we were able to bring her home. Everyone that we have had the pleasure to meet or interact with from there has truly been a blessing. It was very apparent that the people of Swallows Nest genuinely love all the children deeply, Over the course of our three Chinese adoptions, we have never met a more dedicated group of people. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much!

Gong Fang
Gong Fang, now Lily, was 8 months old when we got the call and saw her picture. We learned she was in Swallows Nest. As we researched and tried to learn all we could about Swallows Nest, we began to see what a blessing this placement was for her. We learned this facility was run by American Christians, and that the babies in this home were loved and well taken care of. We were able to see pictures and learned so much from them. In China we were able to visit Lily's home for the first part of her life. I saw the love the ladies have for the children. I saw them taking care of them and feeding them home cooked meals. The ladies loved on our older daughter and made us feel so close to Lily's beginning. A few years after her adoption, we wondered about Lily's past. Mrs. Pam was instrumental in locating this for us. She took picrues and helped us have more information than we ever thought possible. We can't thank Swallows Nest enough for taking care of our beautiful baby, She is now 9 and thriving. Lily has a host of special needs, but that doesn't slow her down. She loves her sister and her family the most. She enjoys playing and taking care of horses. She is a rock star in our world!

Our sweet Jia Jia arrived at Swallows Nest in 2016. She was born with cerebral palsy and was medically fragile all her life. In December, with the general lifting of restrictions, Jia Jia was diagnosed with covid 19. She was hospitalized and cared for by medical professionals as well as a caregiver from the orphanage who stayed by her side.
Sadly on Christmas morning 2022, Jia Jia left us to run free at last with her Creator.
It was an honor to have Jia Jia with us for so many years, and to enjoy her bright spirit and her smile. Thank you to everyone who partnered with us to care for Jia Jia over the past seven years. You will always be a part of her story.
For 16 years a host of people -- Pam and Clay WIlliams, managers, caregivers, volunteers and staff -- cared for well over 100 children who passed through the doors of one of our small homes in Zhengzhou. Some were at Swallow's Nest for a season while receiving medical care, others found a home there for several years, and others were tenderly cared for until they passed from this world. Ninety-four children found their forever families while living at Swallow's Nest. Below are a few of their stories.